Sarika Sehgal |
Bill Coulter |
Dina Pugliese, Genie Awards |
Martine Gaillard |
True Daley |
Sportsnet Anchors |
Crafting the Image
Talk show hosts, anchors and reporters have all benefited from Linda’s media savvy. Working closely with a show’s creative director and producer, the overall ‘look’ is established for the host and wardrobe selection begins. Linda’s contacts within the Canadian fashion industry, have enabled her to broker wardrobe sponsorships. She has an expert eye for what works on camera and has supervised many taping sessions for clients such as CTV, Toronto 1, Rogers, Sportsnet, HGTV and other independent productions.
Wardrobe for TV Client List
Sportsnet News - Sportsnet Anchor: Martine Gaillard (ongoing)
The Gemini / Genie Awards - Fashion Coordinator in partnership with the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (ongoing)
The Toronto Show - Host: Enis Esmer
Toronto 1 - Current Affairs, Hosts: Sarika Sehgal, Wei Chen, Mark McAllister,
John Nightingale, Bill Coulter, Billie Holliday, Paul DeBoy, True Daley
OHL - Rogers Cable - Image/Media training Workshop for hosts, colour commentators and play by play announcers
Reel to Real - Rogers Cable - Host: Katrina Onstad
Sportsnet News -Sportsnet (1 season) - - All Anchors and Reporters
Sportsnet News - Sportsnet (2 seasons) -Host: Hazel Mae
Saturday Night Skating -Sportsnet (1 season) Hosts: Debbie Wilkes and Barbara Underhill
Calling All Gardeners - HGTV 1 season Host: Kathy Renwald
Just Ask Jon Eakes - HGTV 2 seasons
Showcase Revue - Showcase Network, Alliance Atlantis (2 seasons)
Hosts: Cameron Bailey and Valerie Buhagiar
Showcase Presents - Showcase Network, Cynthia Dale
Singles Court - Red Apple Productions (1 season) Hosts: Angela Siegal, Mark Hickox, Sandy Jobin-Bevins
Go for It - Top Notch Productions for Discovery Int’l. Hosts; Teresa Ronçon, Kevin Flynn & Phil Keoghan
House and Home - (CTV and HGTV) Host: Lynda Reeves
TSN Anchors - Theresa Hergert Kruz, Susan Rogers. Lisa Bowes
TSN Sunday - (1 season) Host: John Wells
Food for Thought - Stone Soup Productions (1 season) Host: Leslie Beck
Markings - Sleeping Giant Productions Host: Neil Bissoondath
Harrowsmith Country Life - Stone Soup Productions (2 seasons)
Hosts: Mairlyn Smith and David McIlwraith
Camilla Scott - CTV (l season)
Pamela Wallin - CTV News, Question Period
Shirley Show - CTV (5 seasons)
“How we look always makes a difference. We can never dress in a neutral way. We are always making a statement of some kind” |
Robert Panté, International Image Consultant |